
Gregory Parker, Ph.D.

Gregory Parker, Ph.D., has more than thirty plus years of public and private sector leadership experience. He is a former City Manager, two-term County Commissioner, Texas State Emergency Communications Commissioner, business owner, and IT project manager.

Dr. Parker is currently an adjunct professor of government and public administration, a successful CEO, and a Chartered Economist. He received his bachelor's degree in business administration from Columbia Southern University, a Master of Public Administration, and a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration from Walden University. ORCID: 0000-0003-0984-945X.

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Christy Mowery

"Gregory Parker's book is a timely, brilliant and a much-needed resource. The essays to his son explain current political issues with veracity and logic on the order of many revolutionary thinkers like Frederick Hayek and Thomas Sowell."

Eric burton

"...he [Gregory] masterfully presents information and thought-provoking opinion to urge the reader towards critical thinking and debate rather than relying on the zeitgeist of the day."


The Governmental Budget: Do Politics Influence the Outcome of the Governmental Budgeting Process?
by Gregory Parker, Ph.D.

This paper will attempt to answer a common question that has been asked of me, in my elected official capacity, on more than one occasion, by undergrad interns from several local universities. Do politics influence the outcome of the governmental budgeting process? To answer this question, this article will explore a governmental budget, the budgeting process, its actors, the political environment of governmental budgeting, and some recommendations to reduce the level of politics.

There is no shortage of information on the governmental budgeting process, the politics involved, and the types and approaches to budgeting, yet; in this paper, I will focus only on the fundamental form of budgeting. Furthermore, this paper is not meant to be an end-all source. It is very general and should be viewed in the context of other sources.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC): A Potential Push Toward Socialism
by Gregory Parker, Ph.D.

The world of finance has been undergoing rapid transformation, with the rise of cryptocurrencies and decentralized financial systems challenging traditional monetary frameworks. Central banks worldwide are exploring the potential of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to maintain their influence and adapt to this evolving landscape. Understanding their implications on social and economic systems is crucial as CBDCs emerge as a potential response to these challenges.

In this article, I will briefly examine the potential implications of CBDCs on the advancement of socialism, totalitarianism, and the emergence of social credit scores. I will also discuss the challenges and opportunities posed by CBDCs in this context and the need for policymakers to carefully consider the broader implications of digital currencies as they chart a course for the future of finance.